A finalist in Startup 2.0 EU - Learn10 was voted a top 10 European startup in 2008
"Learn10: Ten new foreign-language words daily" PCWorld
"No matter which service you go for, Learn 10 is a practical solution that deals with a traditionally difficult issue in a smooth way." Killer Startups
"I was seriously impressed by what the people behind online language training service Learn10 are up to" TechCrunch
"The beauty of Learnit is the elegance. It tells you what the curriculum for the day is and then silently just hangs around in the background waiting for that moment that your attention wanders and you’re ready for another dose." theNEXTweb
"a web gadget that quizzes/flashcards you with 10 words a day... in a hundred days, doing 10 a day, you’ll have your 1000 words, and be ready to rock with the best of them." Download Squad
"making a small but committed effort every day to building your skills will likely be far more helpful than that two-language dictionary gathering dust on your bookshelf" Lifehacker
"helps you learn foreign language by teaching you 10 new words every day. To get started, simply complete quick sign up and choose the language you want to learn." MakeUseOf
"applies what advertisers call branding exposure to the learning of a foreign language" CenterNetworks
"Learn10 gives you a learning habit that's hard to kick. 10 new words; everywhere, every day. Power up your new language now."
"I really like the twitter integration. Stroke of genius!" @JVelthoen
"I think it is a great idea, and it works very well." Doug, US
"This is a great tool, thanks." Nell, EU.
"its a great idea!!!! its perfect for me because of english - tagalog - one of the very rare sources!" Dirk, Germany.
"I am enjoying your site very much - keep up the good work!" Elen, USA.
"tankyo" (sic) Faras, Saudi.
"cool.it is cool. love your stuff, feel like i’m doing something useful at work now your site’s on my desktop!" Rob, Amsterdam.
"I am American from the US and speak Chinese, Spanish, Italian, and can read Hebrew. Your program is the greatest idea since Rosetta Stone! I am interested in learning other languages…Your site and the idea of 10 words a day is brilliant!" Jay, USA
"This is a GREAT idea! Love it… Keep up the good work!" Rob, USA
"excellent idea, fun, practical and very effective" Rob, UK
"I need this" Claudio, Brazil.

About Us

Learn10 was built to help people create a daily learning habit. The ethos is simple - once you become a member of Learn10 you’ll automatically be sent short, daily learning tasks - such as 10 new words in a foreign language. We use the range of current web technology so you’ll see your content on Facebook, Twitter, in your email, it’s RSSable, can be plugged in to any blog or web page, it’s iPhone friendly and mostly free.

You can use the Learn10 widget to learn, revise, record, test & compete with your friends. Additional (premium) services include a virtual teacher, windows screensaver and content via SMS.

Jan Horna and Mike Robinson met through Facebook via the Web 2.0 Czech group. They decided to collaborate on a project and were looking for an idea for a useful application in contrast to the fun-for-5-minutes apps circulating on Facebook.

Mike asked Nicola Robinsonova (a qualified trainer with a background in advertising research) if she had any ideas. She says:

“My New Year’s resolution was to up my Czech vocab by 10 words a day (this being what I recommend to my students). Then, Mike said he was looking for an idea for a Facebook style widget. Learn10 is what I needed: a really useful tool for people learning a language.”

Mike and Nic are a British couple living in the Czech Republic. Mike is a web programmer for digitalegg.net, Nic is the Business English specialist for The English Centre. Jan is a Web 2.0 and social software architect, providing web hosting market surveys at HorMart.cz. The fourth member of the team is a UK based graphic designer, Mike’s business partner at Digital Egg. Learn more:


Company at a glance

Our vision is a future where everyone speaks a second language and has Internet access to learn, develop and practice new language skills. Our mission is for Learn10 to provide every Internet user the means to learn a second language. We believe that technology referred to as Web 2.0 provides the ideal starting point to encourage communication between different cultures.

Learn10 is the only company to bring together targeted social network marketing, market research and online learning provision; and we do all of this in a single package. Our unique product provides a wealth of opportunities for intelligent marketing & time efficient learning.

Our headquarters are in South Bohemia, Central Europe, with a partner office in Birmingham, UK. We are currently a team of 4.


Industry overview

Language learning provision

English is the VHS of the language world and is currently being studied by business leaders and professionals across the globe. Why? Because a critical mass of business leaders and professionals already use this language as their preferred second language. 750 million people are actively learning English (according to the British Council) with one in five of the world’s population speaking the language to some level. We provide a free service to a worldwide population of AB’s & language learners with Internet access.

Web 2.0 marketing

Web 2.0 marketing is different from it’s predecessor because it uses the ever developing capabilities of web based communication to provide sticky content. Web 2.0 marketing is not about providing bigger bytes of what went before. Web 2.0 marketing is more sophisticated because it assumes that the audience is also more sophisticated. You can’t force Web 2.0 advertising on an audience, in contrast to the 20th century content interruption model.Web 2.0 advertising knows it’s audience with a level of intimacy not before possible and offers ‘opt in’ content which has a tangible benefit to the audience.

Social network marketing

Only the best social network marketing is successful. There has to be a clear benefit to users, which they are prepared to share with their peers. The predecessor, viral marketing by e-mail, was to some extent successful with content that was amusing, however if your target market is business people and professionals or those who are time scarce, joke content will not reach them. Their contacts will know better than to send them content which is a waste of time. Viral marketing works well with a young audience, and those with less work ethic or more time on their hands, however social network marketing with useful content can penetrate otherwise unreachable audiences.

Market research

Market research is a multi billion dollar industry & survey data is an integral part of all successful business. We have unprecedented access to the opinions of business decision makers, the most valuable & hard to target section of the population. We provide robust data from users by building market research into the basis of what we do. This data is aggregated and can be cross tabulated to spec. We have robust demographic data and can add specific questions from clients. Learn10 offers a unique combination of solutions in response to the needs of learners and marketing professionals.


Our solutions

The Learn10 widget

A simple & intelligent tool for building vocabulary when learning a language. Users are shown a dynamic list of 10 words from a chosen language pair. Learn10 can be positioned on social network homepages, search engines & blogs, and is available as a Google gadget which can be added to any web page. Subscription to extra features (such as sound) is an option for users. Learn10 is designed to work using the techniques of advertising: frequent exposure to a stimulus in a variety of locations. Learn10 can be also appear as a branded banner advert.

Learn10 sponsorship

We can provide marketers with a sponsored banner advert containing a branded version of Learn10. On average, users will spend eight times longer looking at Learn10 than a standard Web 1.0 style banner advert. Using Learn10 data, we can investigate exactly how many of a specific company’s customers subscribe to Learn10.

Learn10 bespoke

Learn10 can provide bespoke learning opportunities in specific fields. For example:

  • A VOIP training tool was built as a social network marketing opportunity for The SIP School, which provides training to Mitel and Panasonic.
  • EveryDayEnglish.cz uses bespoke learn10 content to support subscribers to their daily lessons. This proprietary content is private.

Learn10 research

We provide omnibus style data from our users. We offer the opportunity to ask a question with a 150 character answer. Data is provided tabulated against existing demographics.

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